Justice and Her Brothers


dustland justice trilogyThe unit: Justice, her identical twin brothers Thomas and Levi, and Dorian – four children inexorably linked by their supersensory powers. How do they make their strange journeys out of the present, into a weird, barren land they call Dustland? And why are they drawn into the future on an as yet unidentified search? Ms. Hamilton continues the adventures of these four extraordinary children, precursors of a new race, in a totally engrossing sequel that more than lives up to the excitement and originality of Justice and Her Brothers.

“Reading Virginia Hamilton is like being shot out of a cannon into the Milky Way. Sometimes just a phrase sends you off, an image or a scene, but invariably at the end of a book you marvel: look how high I’ve been just on words! . . . Here is Miss Hamilton at her best, plunging her characters into unique situations in order to work out the ambivalence and antagonisms of family relationships which she understands so well. She reaches over the precipice and risks even more than usual when she gives the identicals the power of telepathic communication with each other.” Jean Fritz, The New York Times

The Blue Sky Press, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc.
Cover Art by Leo and Diane Dillion